Category: Technology

WFH: Remote Work – What Now? Part 2 of 2

Work from Home in comfortWFH Part 2 – What NOW?

At this point, almost nobody wants to make predictions, let alone place bets on 2021. Yet, we in the IT industry have had front row seats for the great WFH experiment of 2020. We think there are a few things businesses should consider as they look ahead to next year.


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Earth Day 2019

A little history:  Earth Day was founded in 1970 out of the want to educate and bring public awareness to environmental issues. It’s no secret that as a species, we’ve wreaked a bit of havoc on our one and only inhabitable planet as no other species has.

Everything we do has an impact on the world around us and that definitely includes all of the technology around us. Many tech companies these days recognize the strain their devices or services put on the environment and work to offset it. See below for a roundup of some Earth Day reading we’ve been doing in the mac-tech office.

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Who knows your password?


Head over to to find out! This website shines a spotlight on how the large amount of data breaches are affecting us personally. When you enter your email address the website will look through records on hacked accounts and points out which of them affect you. Being on the list means that the information stored on a hacked site (possibly including the password in use at the time of the hack) should be considered in the public domain.

Looking up your own information makes for a jarring experience: it shows that many of our personal accounts have been compromised, sometimes years ago. And if you are like many technology users who try to “keep it simple” by using the same password on multiple sites you will be shocked to realize that this practice may have possibly exposed additional information to anyone who can now try your (now public) logins on other sites you utilize.

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8 Easy Steps in Implementing Two-Factor Authentication on Synology Diskstation

In an effort to reduce my monthly expenditure and further protect my personal data, I recently canceled my subscriptions with Dropbox and Google Drive. Working in IT has opened up my perspective to new types of hardware and technology with regards to privacy and security. Check out Synology. These guys make some cool hardware. I purchased a Synology DS214 Play for the primary reason to create a private in-house cloud storage system.

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Prevailing with PowerPoint Presenter View

With the release of Office 2016 for Mac, OS X users can finally get a modernized version of the Office Apps we’ve come to love need.

With that comes new quirks, new features, and new menus.  I’d like to sort one out that I think is common for PowerPoint 2016 users: dealing with Presenter View.

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How to Setup Multiple Google Apps Calendars for OS X and iOS Calendar

The Google Apps platform continues to become more and more popular for small businesses, enterprise, and even individuals.  Gmail is something that everyone seems to be at least mildly familiar with these days.

Many people out there enjoy the web interface – it prevents them from needing to keep up with software updates manually and they have everything they need in the browser.

Others, like me, are stuck in their ways and enjoy using Apple’s native Calendar apps on Mac, iPhone, and iPad.  The calendar and notifications integrate in a great way across devices when using the Apple apps.  The tricky part comes in the initial setup.

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